Hi there! Take a look into the bits and pieces of my creative mind! My name is Ariane (are-ee-ahn), and I'm a visual designer and creative. As a designer, my passion is to craft authentic and imaginative work that shares stories of creativity and humanity.

urban fantasy reads / lavender matcha lattes / my daily walks in the sun / folk music

✸ Some recent projects!

✸ Some recent projects!

  • AfterGlow

    UI/UX, UX Research, Interface Design, Interaction Design

  • Sticky-Fi

    UI/UX, Interface Design, Interaction Design, UX Research

  • UCI Esports

    Graphic Design, Visual Communication, Branding & Identity

  • HSM Rebrand

    Graphic Design, Visual Communication, Branding & Identity

  • noms

    UI/UX, Interface Design, Interaction Design, UX Research